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In the paracha Eikev, Moses pursues its recommendations: he promises to the Children of Israel that, if they carry out the commands of the Torah, they will know the prosperity on the Earth among which they appètent to take up, according to the oath made by G.od for their ancestors.

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Moses calls back the benefactions from which they benefited, worth knowing the exit of Egypt, the fertility of the Promised Land to the children of Israel. He warns the people against the temptation to forget, by enjoying this abundance. 

Moses called back also the fault of the golden calf; the forgiveness that he obtained them, the second tables of the law, the election of the Levites and the obligation of justice and love of the foreigner. He announces them finally the earth where flow the milk and the honey, and was ordered to love G.od. 

An essential passage of the paracha is established by the second paragraph of the fundamental prayer of Chéma which resumes commands contained in the first one by matching them blessings bound to their fulfillment and negative consequences resulting from their carelessness (famine and exile). This passage is also the source of the command to pray and contain a reference to the resurrection of the deaths during the messianic era.

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