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The parachat Vaéra describes seven first ones of Ten Wounds, cataclysms that implemented G.od to show to the Jews, to Egyptians and to the whole world that He alone is master of the creation and all the strengths which are there. 

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Pharaoh refused to obey God's order passed on by Moses and to let leave the Hebrew and the Eternal sees itself grateful to punish him, him and his people, by sending on Egypt ten wounds which, only, will arrive at the end of the stubbornness of the sovereign.

G.od strikes Egypt of the first seven wounds: the blood, the frogs, the lice, the wild animals, the plague, the ulcers and the hail.
Moses, accompanied by Aaron, will be in charge of announcing to Pharaoh every new misfortune which is going to beat down on this one, and also to call the execution. His stick will have to give the signal of the fulfillment of every wound.
Before sending the first wound, the Eternal addresses Moses and asks him to ask Aaron to spread its stick on waters of the Nile so that these change in blood.

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