Béréchit View larger


In this paracha, G.od rewards Pine has to have killed Zimri.

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The grandson of Aaron, Pine has, is rewarded for his expressed gesture when he killed Zimri, prince of the tribe of Chimone, and the princess midianite: G.od grants him a peace alliance and a priesthood for him and its offspring.
A census of the people succeeds at the expense of 601 730 men from twenty to sixty years old. Moses learns of G.od that the earth must be distributed by drawing lots in tribes and in families of Israel. The girls of Tselof' had protest to Moses to receive the territory returning to their father, died without leaving of son. G.od accedes to this request and the honorable for the laws which the Torah promulgates regarding inheritance.
G.od announces to Moses that he is going to join his fathers.

According to the received orders, Moses takes Josué, puts him in the presence of all the community, lays on hands him and gives him its instructions.
The paracha ends by the detailed list of the daily offerings and the additional offerings of the Sabbath, Roch-Hodech (the beginning of the month) and parties of Passover, Chavouot, Roch Hachana, Yom Kippur, Souccot and Chemini Atseret.

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