Béréchit View larger


This sixth paracha of the sefer Bamidbar evokes the laws of the red cow. These laws are taught Moses.
The laws of the red cow, of which ashes cleanse the one who was in contact with a corpse, are taught Moses.

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After 40 years of journeys in the desert the people arrive in the desert of Tsin. Myriam dies and the supernatural wells who accompanied the Children of Israel by its merit disappears. The people demand some water. G.od indicates to Moses to command a rock to give to it.

Disturbed by the attitude of the people, Moses strikes the stone and the water springs from it. But G.od announces to him that neither he nor Aaron will enter Promised Land.

Aaron dies to Hor Hahar and his son Elazar succeeds him as High priest.

Venomous snakes attack the camp after once more the people "spoke against G.od and against Moses".
The people intone a song in honor of supernatural benefaction of the water sprung at the heart of the desert. Moses leads the people to battles against kings Emorite, If hon and Og (which want to forbid the crossing of their territory). Their lands, situated east of the Jordan are so conquered.

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