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Paracha to get married


Our Sages teach that it is an ancestral segula for the Parnassa to read on the Tuesday when the Parasha "Bechala'h" falls, the text in the Torah that speaks of the "Manna". That is to read from the 1st to the 36th verse of the 16th chapter of the book of Shame.

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In the Parshath Bechala'h, after having gone out of Egypt and crossed the Red Sea, our ancestors found themselves in the desert where they had no resources left. What would become of them and their children? They had nothing left to eat and no hope of finding the necessary supplies. They turned to Moshe Rabenou so that he could find a solution and he began to pray, with more intensity than ever. Thanks to this prayer, they benefited from heavenly food, the manna, which sustained them for forty years. And since, as the Talmud Yerushalmi explains it is a segulah for the parnassa to read the passage concerning the manna in the Parachath Bashala.

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