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Parasha Chekalim

His reading is made the Sabbath which precedes roch ' hodech Adar (Adar II in case of year embolismique as this year of 2011). Extracted from Ki- Weaved", she calls back the necessity for each to give a half-one - chékel for the maintenance of the Temple and the purchase of the community sacrifices.

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This spending must be assured year by year as from Nissan, 1st month of the year.
That is why from roch ' hodech Adar, we issued an appeal to this collection. Today, the tradition remained. This reading is counted as if we had carried out the mitsva to give "my hatsi hachékel".
The half-shekel is also of use according to our wise men to the repurchase of the fault of the golden calf that Bné Israël had adored half of the day only.
"The rich will increase nothing, the poor man will decrease nothing of half of the shekel"
The same amount imposed for the repurchase of each demonstrates the equity and the equality within the people.
Finally, this reading is also and above all in connection with the party of Purim because our Wise men teach that thanks to the merit of this mitsva, the projects of Haman failed.

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